Our first day in Bamenda started on a cheery note. After breakfast a meeting with Mr. Fon and Mr. Tanyi. It was a catchup conversation about all we have experienced and plans were made about all we hope undertake while here.
After they left a not so nice incident took place: iPad gone!
This is how it happened.
While we were in discussion with Mr. Fon and Mr.Fanyi I used my iPad, which doubles as my diary these days. Once the gentlemen left i closed my iPad and tucked it safely into my bag.

During our talk a young man had entered the room and had taken a seat to far from where we were seated. Not unusual for a place like the centre- it is a coming and going of individuals all day long. Quite public in fact. Also, there was a rather large meeting being held as well.
The young man appeared to be waiting for someone so we paid him little attention, thinking he knew his way round and was expected. After our conversation had ended one of our friends asked me something - I stood up, leaving my bag on the seat and talked to her. This exchange lasted no more than a few minutes- I turned back to the seat, packed my bag a realised the iPad was missing. You had guessed that much hadn't you? We asked around, also noticing the young man was missing and it appeared no-one knew this person. A complete stranger to them all. They actually thought he was part of
our party.
We approached security whom in turn informed the police. Our main hope was- that the iPad would be found. So irritating and unsettling. Also because all our data was on the iPad, appointments, information and contacts. To be continued.....

Time had come to visit the school we had scheduled for today. That was one of the highlights of the day. The welcome once again heart warming. Jaap en Hans also received big hugs. After a meeting and conversation with the principle Henri and our support person Irene we made a group photo. Always nice to look back on later.We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and all the activities we witnessed. The carers appeared to become more relaxed and open in their sharing with us- and the personal questions relating to our health and travel experiences were fired at us in quick tempo. We shared some refreshments with Henri and Irene and returned satisfied to the Baptist Centre for dinner.
All in all a positive day with more highs than lows!
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