Here comes what happened next:
When my iPad was stolen yesterday we learned from one of the staff that there is only one Apple store in Bamenda. We rang there to notify them that my iPad had been unlawfully taken, just incase someone came to ask how to solve ' a possible login problem'
While waiting with Betrand, Marianne and Hans for Jaap and Peter-Paul to visit the school the owner appeared and started a conversation. I suddenly had a brainwave and asked him if he knew where the Apple store in town was. And wouldn't you know it- it was almost across the street from where we sat.
After Jaap returned from his visit to Wakka I suggested we may just pop into the store to put a face to the claim that we were the owners of the allegedly 'borrowed' iPad. As it turned out someone had been in requesting a new password for the iPad. The staff had, after sending the person home asking him to return later, informed the police who in turn picked up the young man and the iPad was given to the police. At this point they weren't aware we had been the victims of the alleged theft.
We were told to which police station we needed to go. As we were curious to know if this was MY iPad we immediately proceeded to go to the police station accompanied by Bertrand. At the counter the staff were in the dark about all the events and sent us elsewhere to another police station with our questions. There too they were totally in the dark. But, they did want the Apple Store phone number.
Off we toddled back to the Apple Store. There they gave us the name of the inspector we needed to contact. Back we toddled again to the police station only to be told the said inspector was in a meeting and be available after 16:30.
Hi ho hi ho it was off to our second school visit we go- we may as well keep our schedule going. We do after all have the care for a second group of children who also deserve our attention.
After our visit and the photo session we returned to the police station. We were put on hold again. Our patience being sorely tested. Finally the inspector arrived. We filled in the necessary paper chain and had to prove ownership of the iPad. Wouldn't you know it, no WiFi at the police station ppffff...!! Off to the Baptist Centre we trot with the police on our heels. We successfully started up the iPad and on screen was the message Jaap had placed telling of the alleged theft together with his mobile number. When Jaap could prove to the inspector that this was indeed his phone number the iPad was returned to us as rightful owners. We closed the session with coffee all round as a somewhat larger curious crowd had gathered to follow the proceedings.
Peace and justice al last- we could relax. Hoera hoera!!
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