Finally we are packed and ready for our journey to Bamenda.
At 6:30 we leave Dordrecht and head to Brussel Airport. Here we meet up and spread our luggage amongst ourselves, some having more than others. Yes, we had more than we were allocated. After explaining our mission and the staff having discussed with others, we were allowed to proceed - at NO EXTRA COST, thank you staff at Brussel Air. We appreciate your cooperation enormously.

After a uneventful yet pleasant flight we arrive at our destination where it is extremely warm. We need to make quite an adjustment as we experience a temperature difference from 5 degrees at leaving Brussels in the morning- to 30 degrees on arrival in Douana.
After a short wait our suitcases appear on the bagage carousel. We collect them and proceed to the awaiting ini bus. It's not what you know, but who you know - via a friend from a friend who knows a friend, we were able to load our luggage at the door instead of having to drag everything down flights of stairs. We certainly avoided a lot of stress and were once again grateful for small mercies.
After pushing, shoving and flexing our muscles all was loaded and we were off to our first stopover for a good nights rest.
Everything was unloaded and stored in a room. We all managed to find our overnight bags, exchange thoughts, enjoy some food and refreshments and off to bed we went.

The next morning we were up at the crack of dawn- needing time to reach our end destination, Bamenda. So after an enjoyable, sturdy breakfast we proceeded on our way. While trying to reload the bus we are all agreed, we cannot take all the luggage with us so some was transferred to the local travelling centre to be transported by bus. After having done that we are raring to go.
For those first timers travelling with us, it's all new. The sights and experiences are both colourful and impressive. Gives much food for discussion. For those of us returning the sights are familiar yet still as intriguing.
As it is Sunday we are confronted with a rainbow of colours as people are either going to or coming from church, dressed in their colourful outfits. A beautiful sight. After a stop for lunch and a bumpy 7 hour trip we finally reach our destination. Ah, the relief - a toilet at last!
We sort out our rooms and freshen up. Time for a meet and greet! The journey has taken it's toll- over dinner we share notes and experiences and then it is time for bed.
Good night all and till next time! Joke and crew!