woensdag 17 april 2013

Preparations well underway

Easter has come and gone. It is now time for the more serious preparations for our impending trip to get underway. The first suitcase with clothing is jam packed and almost exceeds it's maximum weight. I am also able to take with me some school supplies such as pens and pencils and of course the donated laptops. For the Health Centre in Guzang we have some supplies for their laboratory- with thanks to my ex-colleagues there.

Our contacts in Bamenda are  are anxiously awaiting our arrival. Everyone seems very excited if the emails and messages are anything to go by. The malaria pills have been acquired and the necessary injections inflicted. Roll on April the 27th.

In the group of 10 travelers are Board Members from 3 different Foundations. We will be sharing experiences, ideas and problem solving issues. It is great to have each others support as there are always unknown or unexpected hurdles to conquer. We will have an opportunity to take a peek at various projects and meet the people involved.

Whilst we aren't anticipating major problems it is a comfort to know we are all working towards the same goals and intend to enjoy our time away by combining 'work'  with pleasure.

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