dinsdag 26 februari 2013

Ongoing developments

It has taken a wee while to get all the Foundation's information online. We hope that all  those interested  in any or more of the projects supported by the Foundation will not only support it in word but also in deed.

It is the Foundation's intention to use the gifts for which they are intended. So if you specify a project then that project will benefit.

For more information one can always contact Joke and Jaap through this site. Leave them a message of encouragement. That support is appreciated also.

Do you know of any firms that may be able to donate some of the items listed on the School page for instance - pass this on to Joke and Jaap. Maybe you have contacts in the right places. Use these for the children.

T.E.A.M. = Together Everyone Achieves More!

maandag 18 februari 2013

A visit from the local press

Last Friday afternoon Hans Huisman from the local digital newspaper called in and interviewed Joke and Jaap Bloeme about their Foundation. He was interested to hear how the foundation started and what the future plans were regarding the activities that Joke and Jaap have their minds set on. When the article is online a link will be posted to it... and no doubt a translation will be made available.

vrijdag 8 februari 2013

Keeping tabs

Although the location isn't exactly around the corner, Joke and Jaap do visit Bamenda at regular intervals. Sometimes as a couple and somtimes Joke is accompanied by interested parties. They have become avid globetrotters.

The planning has begun for another visit.

Progres, planning and other interesting titbits will be loggen on this BLOG- so stay tuned.

zondag 3 februari 2013

This BLOG has the purpose of informing all those interested of the projects supported by the GOFUA Foundation. This foundation has the vision to help improve the health, lifestyle and future of the children ( and their parents) of Bamenda, Cameroon. Feel free to regularly visit the BLOG to keep up to date on the developments of each project which will be posted on a regular basis. You are also asked, most sincerely to not only support the foundation with your interest but you are also asked to be motivated to support the initiatives financially. The work Joke and Jaap Bloeme have started has already realised the presence of a water well in the village.
It will take a wee while to get this BLOG fully operational, during which time the important work will continue.